Introduction to Sites

I am a seasoned educator with over a decade of experience in the classroom, community coordination, and leadership. My passion for education and commitment to fostering enriching learning communities have been evident throughout my diverse career in various educational settings, including Charter Schools, Public Schools, and alternative educational programs. I see myself as more than just an educator; I am a community builder committed to empowering students and families to thrive. My approach to education is holistic, aiming to foster growth and well-being in all aspects of students' lives.

I've been in the Indy area for over 15 years and love this city! I am thrilled to join the Indy Summer Learning Labs team and look forward to creating connections with our community partners, staff, students, and families!

Sherina Lyons


Sherina Lyons is a seasoned educator with over a decade of experience in the classroom, community coordination, and leadership roles. Her dedication to education and commitment to fostering enriching learning communities have been evident throughout her diverse career in various educational settings, including Charter Schools, Public Schools, and alternative educational programs.

With more than 15 years of residency in Indy, Sherina has developed a deep affection for the city and its community. She is thrilled to be part of the Indy Summer Learning Labs team, where she looks forward to creating connections with community partners, staff, students, and families.

Sherina's expertise ranges from serving as a Rising 5th-grade teacher with ISLL to her tenure as a refugee resettlement caseworker, showcasing her ability to bring about positive change and growth in diverse environments.

Currently, Sherina is a Founding Member, COO, and social Media Specialist at Indy Holistic Education. In this role, she oversees daily operations, strategizes social media campaigns, and fosters meaningful connections with clients and the community. Previously, she served as a Homeroom Teacher and small Group Leader at Tech Trep Academy and owned and led educational programs at Blue Sky Sprigs.

Sherina's educational journey began at Ball State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with a concentration in Family, Home, and Community Relations. Throughout her academic career, she earned accolades such as the Dean’s List and the BSU Presidential Scholarship.

Sherina's passion lies in creating transformative educational experiences and making a positive impact in the Indy community.